Unity webgl build freezes, Then I received more errors after trying to run the TrueSync boxes demo in the Unity Editor, which is set to build to WebGL. After entering a nickname I click on 'Demo Boxes' to get these errors: Operation failed: OperationResponse 230: ReturnCode: 32767 (Empty application id). Unity 2018.1.0f2 Player Settings Scripting Runtime Version.NET 4.x Equivalent; Scripting Backend:IL2CPP; Api Compatibility Level.NET 4.x; Build Settings Platform:PC, Mac & Linux Standalone; Target Platform:Windows; Architecture:x8664; Visual Studio 2017 community; 準備せずに起きる事.

Release notes



PlayMaker Pro from the Macintosh App Store is licensed to an Apple ID. Document Editing also enables the ability to export presentations as MPEG-4 video files. Hook up your TV to your Mac to produce video presentations with player notes, play animations, scribbles, video and your voice. Playmaker free download - Playmaker Football, and many more programs.

  • 2D: Fixed case of Editor crashing on WorldContactFilter2D::ShouldCollide when trying to destroy Tilemap. (1126791)

  • 2D: Fixed case of Tile Animation showing a wrong Sprite when Tilemap is deactivated and reactivated. (1126772)

  • 2D: Fixed issue where Tilemap Collider Physics Shape/s were not updating when a single Tile was removed. (1126789)

  • 2D: Fixed to clean up Preview Tiles when painting on a Tilemap when an asset is saved. (1126776)

  • 2D: Fixed NullReferenceException when painting with a Tile Palette without a valid Tilemap component. (1120310, 1126781)

  • 2D: We now use Grid Cell Layout instead of Tile Orientation for doing Grid Cell picking when painting on a Tilemap. (1126779)

  • Android: Fixed null exception on GC when Java class is not found. (1128659)

  • Android: UnityWebRequest: Relaxed format requirements for jar:file uris. (1117525, 1128887)

  • Asset Import: Fixed crash when reading a meta file with a 'Byte Order Mark'. (1128853)

  • Editor: Fixed Instability in IConnectionStateInternal_HasAtLeastTheDefaultAmountOfAvailableConnections . (1103431)

  • GI: Fixed an issue were newly loaded scenes with bounce count 3 would not bake any indirect light. (1129335)

  • Graphics: Fixed for [ASAN] Memory use after free in GpuProgramMetal::ApplyGpuProgram. (1127838)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue where 'GetGfxDevice() should only be called from main thread' errors are thrown and crashes in Play Mode later on. (1124135)

  • Graphics: Fixed memory leak in batchmode when rendering on desktop platforms . (1093649, 1102280)

  • Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed a crash when draw call was made without an active GPU program. (1126841)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed correct flow control code not generated for try/catch/finally handling with async methods in C#. (1122868)

  • IL2CPP: Fixed step-into debugging for some generic methods. (1124177)

  • IL2CPP: Improved the performance of WaitOne, WaitAny, and WaitAll on Windows platforms. (1111339)

  • IMGUI: Maximizing the player in the windowed mode sets it to Maximized Window mode. (1085673, 1127910)

  • iOS: Fixed background audio stopping when startin an Unity app on iOS. (1115948)

  • iOS: Fixed issue where an App won't be automatically deployed to Device when building project via Build and Run. (1114541)

  • Linux: Fixed editor UI breaking with Screen.SetResolution is called. (1057513, 1128667)

  • Mobile: Fixed il2cpp player build when engine stripping is enable and AssetImporter log is not empty. (1115957)

  • Multiplayer: Fixed memory leak in TLS connections, affecting Windows/Linux/Mac/UWP. (1121523)

  • OSX: Fixed an issue where older Macs could incorrectly report that they support GPU instancing. (1126530)

  • OSX: Fixed the fullscreen menu item in the standalone player. (1120105)

  • Package Manager: Fixed incorrect build settings on Project Templates in packages. (1114141)

  • Prefabs: Fixed crashes when instantiating prefab with certain user scripts. (1113205, 1125019)

  • Prefabs: Fixed drag and drop not unpacking the Prefab instance under some circumstances. (1117374)

  • Prefabs: Fixed object IDs changing when saving a prefab after building a player. (1106345)

  • Profiler: Fixed an issue where chart data would be inconsistent from hierarchy data. (1080435)

  • Scripting: Fixed MissingMethodException when calling bindings methods in VRModule on XBox One. (1109347)

  • Scripting: Removed allocation in every frame from ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystemWrapper.TickRealtimeProbes. (1097039)

  • Scripting Upgrade: Fixed an issue where some C# class libaries would fail to load. (1116475)

  • Scripting Upgrade: Fixed ReflectionTypeLoadException when getting types from assembly. (1127900)

  • Services: Fixed crash when an unhandled exception occurs on a background thread with Cloud Diagnostics enabled. (1114571, 1122097)

  • Shaders: Fixed out-of-memory when trying to compile shader that uses self-referencing macro. (1119490)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where a timeline would not play on AOT platforms using Mono and .NET 3.5 (1129165)

  • UI: Fixed issue with CanvasGroup.Alpha not affecting nested Canvas's UI elements. (1127613)

  • Unity Test Runner: Fixed Exception not handled properly in PlayTests when a custom Enumerator is used as a Coroutine and throws an Exception. (1120096)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed incorrect mouse position for NewInput. (1091493)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed rapid triggering of OnClick() events in UI when multiple Xbox controllers connected. (1099111)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Prevented an error from the reference rewriter about the missing method 'ConfigurationElement::get_Item' when the EntityFramework.dll assembly is used. (1124092)

  • Video: Fixed a crash on quit, and on end of playmode, when using a VideoPlayer in a prefab. (1126578)

  • Video: Fixed Android Video doesn't start to play in the application when Android OS is 4.1 or 4.2. (1124979)

  • Web: UnityWebRequest: Better document SetRequestHeader regarding cookie. (1128889)

  • Windows: Fixed Multidisplay always reverting to native resolution on primary display. (1040726)

ALWAYS Backup Your Project Before Updating Playmaker or Unity!

Ideally you should use source control so you can see exactly what's changed, roll back changes etc.

NOTE: Projects saved with PlayMaker 1.8 cannot be opened with older versions of PlayMaker!

There is an Asset Store Bug where it can give you the wrong version of an asset after switching Unity versions. (Case 954335).

If you switch Unity versions and then see errors when importing Playmaker, check this thread for the solution. Basically you have to force the Asset Store to re-download PlayMaker when switching Unity versions.

In 1.8+ we've started integrating some Add-Ons in the main package. If you already have these Add-Ons in your project you might get errors from duplicate files. Please delete the older copy of these files (the ones not in AssetsPlayMakerActions) to fix those errors.
NOTE: Most of the time this shouldn't happen since the file IDs are the same, but it can happen, depending on how the Add-Ons were imported into your project.
Missing Playmaker Menu

If the Playmaker Menu is not available after importing Playmaker:

  • Click the main menu bar. It doesn't always redraw after importing a package.
  • Check the Unity Console for errors. Any errors (not just Playmaker errors) can stop editor extensions from compiling. Most of the time this is the problem. Fix any errors you find in the Unity Console. If you need help post the errors on the forums.
  • Sometimes Anti-Virus software can interfere with Unity imports. Try disabling virus checkers while importing.
  • Close the Playmaker Editor when importing updates. E.g., Load a default window layout.
  • Check that you have disk space. Sometimes importing can fail if you're out of space.
  • Restart Unity after importing. Sometimes Unity needs to restart.
  • Restart your computer. Sometimes the OS gets in a bad state.

Other things to try: NOTE: Backup your project first!!

  • Delete the project/Temp folder if it exists.
  • Delete the project/Library/ScriptAssemblies folder and restart.
  • Switch to another project, or make a new project, and reset the Layout to a default (e.g., Tall), then load the original project. Unity Tip: Hold Alt (windows) or Option (Mac) while Unity starts to open the Project Browser.
  • Google Drive and Dropbox folders can interfere with Unity Projects. Try moving your project out of these 'special' folders.
  • Try re-downloading the Playmaker unitypackage, maybe it was corrupted on download. Unlikely but it can happen.

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Pc

How To Safely Replace An Old Playmaker Installation With The Latest Version

NOTE: You only need to remove old files if you have errors after importing an update.

CAUTION: There are some files in the PlayMaker folder that you might want to keep! Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Backup your project before proceeding!
  2. Move PlayMaker/Resources/PlayMakerGlobals.asset out of the PlayMaker folder, into another 'Resources' Folder. It's important that it remains in a 'Resources' folder as it is a special folder within Unity.
  3. Move PlayMaker/Templates folder outside of the PlayMaker folder if you have saved templates (this is the default folder for saved templates)
  4. Delete the PlayMaker/ folder
  5. Delete Plugins/PlayMaker/ folder if it exists
  6. Import the latest version of PlayMaker
  7. Restart Unity
  • Globals are stored in PlayMaker/Resources/PlayMakerGlobals.asset. You have to manually add this asset to the exported unitypackage. See Import/Export Globals.
  • NOTE: When you import PlayMakerGlobals.asset it will overwrite the current globals in the project. If you want to MERGE the globals into the project, use the Playmaker Export/Import Globals tools.
Editor Performance Tips

If you notice the Playmaker Editor slowing down with larger projects, try these workarounds:

  • Collapse the Unity PlayMakerFSM Inspector foldout and use the FSM tab in the Playmaker editor instead.
  • Uncheck 'Draw Active State Labels' if you have many state labels slowing down the Scene View.
  • Disable Realtime Error Checking in Preferences if error checking is slowing editor performance.
ITween Conflicts
  • Playmaker ships with iTween included. If you get errors about multiple iTween definitions, you probably have 2 copies of iTween in your project. Remove one to fix the errors.
  • If you're using javascript to access iTween you should move the iTween directory into an Assets/Plugin folder.

Error building Player: SystemException: 'System.Net.Sockets' are supported only with Unity Android Pro. Referenced from assembly 'Photon3Unity3D'

Photon is not supported in iOS and Android Basic builds. I you do not have Unity Pro, delete the Photon Unity Networking folder.

If you don't have Unity Pro, you can get Photon Plus, which will allow you to publish without Unity pro.

Unity Crashes When Updating Playmaker
  • If restarting Unity doesn't work, try deleting 'LibraryScriptAssemblies' in the game project folder.
  • If Unity hangs when loading the last open project, hold Alt (windows) or Option (Mac) while Unity starts to open the Project Browser.
  • See also: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/10086/unity-crashes-on-startup.html

To remove iTween from Playmaker:

  1. Delete the PlayMaker/Actions/iTween folder
  2. Delete PlayMaker/Include/iTweenFsmEvents.cs
  3. Delete the iTween folder
No Active State:

When running, the FSM has no active state (no State being green).

  • Check that you're not looking at a prefab or template. These never have an active state since they do not exist in the scene.
  • Click in the Graph View and hit F to frame the currently active state.
  • Check if the PlayMakerFSM component on the GameObject is enabled.
  • Check if the GameObject is active.
Cannot store GameObject as Object variable with Get Component:

GameObject is not a valid component type, but the action was modified to account for this:

NOTE: Unity 5.3 now overwrites files instead of silently making a duplicate. In most cases this should work a lot better!

Unity 5 changed the way assets are imported from unitypackages. Instead of overwriting files, if internal asset GUIDs don't match, Unity creates a duplicate file, appending ' 1' to the name. Older projects might have Playmaker files with different GUIDs (e.g., files copy/pasted in Finder/Explorer or downloaded from the forums), resulting in duplicate files when importing an update. These duplicate files generally cause errors and need to be removed!

If you import PlayMaker and find that you have duplicate files, please see 'How to safely replace an old Playmaker installation' above.

Missing Scripts After Updating PlayMaker
Unity uses GUIDs to store references to components. If the GUID for a component changes then Unity loses the reference to the component and you get a Missing Script error.

You can manually re-assign the missing script in the Unity Inspector or use this guide to fix references across the whole project.

Get/Set Property Lost References When Upgrading To Unity 5

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Mac Os

Unity 5 removed properties that allowed you to target common components on a GameObject (e.g., guiTexture, renderer, rigidbody...). If you targeted these properties with Get Property or Set Property actions Playmaker will try to update the paths, but you may need to re-enter the target. In the future, you should target components directly - drag the Component into the Target Object field NOT the GameObject.

Problem Installing Playmaker 1.9.0p2 In 2018.1.0f2 For Macbook Pro

Please check this thread for more information.