Sn0wbreeze 2.0.2 is out, so how to jailbreak?
What is Jailbreaking?
Jailbreaking is a process that allows iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch users to install homebrew applications on their devices by unlocking the operating system and allowing the user root access. Once jailbroken, iPhone users are able to download many extensions and themes previously unavailable through the App Store via unofficial installers such as Cydia. There are many tools that jailbreak you device like Redsn0w and BlackRa1n. It Depends if you can jailbreak like what Device, Generation, Firmware, Model etc.
Sn0wbreeze 2.0.2
Jailbreak 4.1, All devices except iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 4th Gen
Hashes SHA-1 1.0.8. Windows: 5d2711a99433daa18bfc870cd16698 Mac OSX: aa20c28c2e052c08893fdbf49d16f084df2f46e6 Lotsa. Sn0wbreeze Download Jailbreak Tool - Jailbreak iOS 10 using Snowbreeze Jailbreak tool, this tool is less popular but it works awesome, download from here. Hashes SHA-1 1.0.8. Windows: 5d2711a99433daa18bfc870cd16698 Mac OSX: aa20c28c2e052c08893fdbf49d16f084df2f46e6 Lotsa.
Instructions are as follows:
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